Good morning friends. A big thank you to everyone who attended the care team meeting last week. It was so great to see everyone and get to chat with you about everything that’s going on down here.
Pastors made it back this week from their conference. They were really refreshed by that conference.
Also the youth conference happened this week. There was tons of kids on campus all week long. They are so excited for things of the Lord right now.
I also want to say a big thank you to Jessica who printed and mailed the donation letters for the 501c3. Thank you so much for doing that. So if that’s you, you donated financially to the ministry last year, you should have that in your mailbox now now. Then you’re able to do your taxes. Thank you to everyone who partnered not just financially, but through prayer, through items, through visiting, moral support, spiritual support, emotional support… it is so appreciated and makes the ministry run.
We have a couple visitors right now. Acacia and her mom Cathy are visiting. They’re going to be here for some few weeks.
Also this week William started meeting the therapist for the stammer. Thank you to everyone who helped make that happen. He is excited and working hard.
Coming up, if you could keep covered in prayer: the round table is today (why are there so many different Christian denominations), we’re working on the 5-year-old project again, and we’re going to have a guest teacher pretty soon, voice training for people who are in the worship tract.
Thank you everyone for praying and I’ll talk to you again next week. God bless, bye.

Pictured: Youth lingering after the conference was completed…

watch this update in YouTube: